Friday, 21 August 2020

Up in the clouds

Cracking noises crackling when ever I take a step. I was in the clouds up on a skyscraper. Hi my name is jake. I had super powers and I had to save a group of people stuck inside of the skyscraper. I had a number of  super powers I could fly, I  could also shoot webs out of my hand like Spider man, my  other super power was strength, and I could turn invisible.

My job was to fly up to he skyscraper and save all of the people inside but the thing was that it was 3am in the morning. So I had to get up and get my suit on it had red stripes on it and the whole thing was blue. And it said my super hero name on it muliti man that was my name because I had more than one super power. But I had to make sure that nobody could see my real face so I have to have a mask it was also red and blue it had some black on it just for the eye holes and the mouth hole.

I put my suit on and I opened my window and I just jumped out people started yelling OH MY GOSH there is a flying man coming straight for us. We have to run they ran but I just started glideing through the air and they all looked releaved when I looked down to see if they where ok but I had to go and save all of the people in the skyscraper I had to fly as fast as I could so the people would not sufer. I got there and they where not there but then I remembered that there was an elevator so they might have been stuck in there.

I flew around the building just to have one more check to see if they where in a room or if they where on the elvator but it looked like they where in the elevator so I had to go through the entrance and then I tryed to make the elevator come down to get me but it was not coming down so I Knew tha they where stuck.

I ran up all of the stairs there was a lot of them becase the skyscraper had 15 storys on it and it was the biggest building in the world so I had to run up of the stairs so I could see if anyone was inside of the building to help me to try and get the people out of the elevator.

But it looked like there was know one  was in the building with me and the people stuck in the elevator so what I had to do is that I had to use my super powers for this mission I had to use my super mussels to make a hole in the elevator so that I could go in and help all of the people get out and make sure that they are save and not hurt. When I got in I asked them if they where ok and tat I was here to help them get out savly. And they all said that know body was hurt and that they where all save.

I told them to all climb on my back so they did and then I told them that I was going to fly them samwhere it was safe so then I asked them if that was ok and they all yelled yesss so off we went. Into the night sky we where up by the stars and then we flew down to the ground and then they all got of my back and after that my back really hurt after have all of those people on my back.

They where safe they all thanked me and I always said ‘’your welcome’’ and then I went back to my house and I hoped back in bed and then I drifted off to sleep. But then I woke up to my phone going crazy it was the police they had got my number.

I picked up my phone and they sounded very strange and it did not seem like the police I said ‘’hello who is this?’’ they replied with ‘’hi this is the police we need your help sombody was stuck ontop of the skyscraper’’ I said back’’ok I am on my way I will be there soon’’.

I put on my super suit and then I opened my window and then I jumped out and then next thing I knew is that I was gliding through the sky.  I was up by the moon and stars and it looked really cool but I had to go and save some people. I went as fast as I could and then out of know where there was a bird and I had to douge but it was very hard to but I ended up not hitting it but it was very close.

I was at the skyscraper and I had to find a save way in and there was a broken window so I had to jump through the  window. I could hear people yelling ‘’help help us we are stuck is anyone there’’ and I yelled back yes sombody is here I am here to help you please just be calm.

They said ‘’ we are in the elevator please hurry. I went straight to the elevator and I tryed to press the button. The elevator door did not open so I had to brake it open myself. I tryed really hard and I did it and then I was in but the bad this was that the elevator was stuck. I had to use my powers to try and make it unstuck. I tryed pushing it from above but that did not work so then I tryed to pull it from the botton and then it started moving. So that was a start I started pushing again and then it started coming down to me VERY FAST. I had to move quickly I flew down I was going faster than normal becaise I was not going up into the air but I was going down from the air.

But when I got down and save I yelled ‘’hol on to something you are coming down fast so they all held onto somthing and then when they landed I could hear them flying up and back down and then I tryed to open the doors and then I did open them. 

Then I did not even ask them if they where ok I just grabbed them and flew away because I could hear that the elevator was going to explode.  I had to get them out as fast as I could so I did I flew them out and as soon as I got out BOOOOOOOM POW the whole building was on fire but them I dropped them of to the ground. Then I went home and then I called the fire station and told them what hapended and that there wasa building on fire. Then they said that they will be right on it and thanks for calling see ya. 

Then after that I hiped into bed and then I went to sleep.